
Asthma & COPD

Asthma & COPD

Asthma & COPD services offered in Las Vegas, NV

Shortness of breath is a common side effect of both asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). If you have a frequent cough, wheezing, or other breathing issues, you can find help at Optimal Healthcare Anywhere. Primary care physician Nauroz Ali, MD, provides diagnostic evaluations through a telemedicine platform, so you can get the medical attention you need without leaving home. Dr. Ali can also help you manage your condition over the long-term to protect your lung health. Call the Las Vegas, Nevada, office to schedule an evaluation for asthma and COPD or book an appointment online today. 

What is asthma & COPD?

Asthma and COPD are two chronic lung diseases that can affect your ability to breathe.


Asthma causes sudden inflammation in the airways which makes it difficult to take in enough oxygen. Your lungs also produce excess mucus, which further complicates breathing.

Exposure to allergens, cigarette smoke, and other environmental irritants can trigger an asthma attack.


COPD is a group of diseases, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema, that develop due to inflammation in the lungs. The most common cause of COPD is smoking. 

Chronic lung Inflammation causes wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.

Some people can develop both asthma and COPD, which can lead to symptoms that are difficult to manage. Dr. Ali can diagnose and treat both conditions to prevent long-term health complications.

When should I seek treatment for asthma & COPD?

You should schedule a diagnostic evaluation at Optimal Healthcare Anywhere if you have symptoms of asthma or COPD, such as:

  • Wheezing
  • Frequent cough
  • Excess mucus
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest tightness
  • Persistent fatigue

Dr. Ali provides diagnostic evaluations through a telehealth platform that you access on your mobile device or laptop without leaving your home. He assesses your symptoms to determine if you need pulmonary function tests to confirm your diagnosis and can refer you to a local facility.

After identifying the cause of your symptoms, Dr. Ali customizes a care plan to improve your breathing and manage your condition over the long term.

How are asthma and COPD treated?

Asthma often requires inhaled or oral medications to reduce airway inflammation. Medications are also available to prevent asthma attacks from occurring. You might also need to take allergy medications to prevent allergy-triggered asthma.

If you have COPD, you may need medications to ease lung inflammation. Because COPD is progressive and worsens over time, you might also need supplemental oxygen to support your breathing. Dr. Ali can also refer you for rehabilitative therapy to improve your overall lung function.

Smoking is often a cause of COPD, so if you still smoke and need help quitting, Dr. Ali can recommend smoking cessation programs you can use.

To manage asthma and COPD over time, Dr. Ali meets with you regularly for follow-up appointments to ensure medications and other treatments are working well. He can send refills directly to your favorite pharmacy for your convenience.

Call Optimal Healthcare Anywhere to schedule a diagnostic evaluation for asthma and COPD or book an appointment online today.